
  • 百雀羚水嫩柔滑夜间精华面膜-速效美颜秘笈已关闭评论
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Summer summer vacation do raise colour whitening measures is the a small MM every potential in the compulsory course, faced with such a violent the ultraviolet rays of the sun, so ferocious, you are ready to prevent bask in, prevent dark skin measures? Tell you don't have to worry mo8 available summer skin care tips - hundred birds current water tender soft essence mask let you safe and sound at night for a thriving in the summer vacation.

Why said the sparrow, current water tender soft night essence mask can help MM instantly do organic skin care effect? And we see the main ingredients: this product rhodiola (qi and blood, invigorate the circulation of the bleeding, veins smooth wheezing), honeysuckle flower (into the lung, heart, stomach, has heat-clearing and detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, tonify deficiency wind effect, at the same time has a unique weight function), herba leonuri (blood and remove blood stasis, regulate the menstrual function, eliminating water); Main function: by the above three kinds of Chinese native medicine ingredient potency can see - raise colour, whitening, hydrating tighten, tighten pores, refrigerant, zi muscle embellish ngan, improve dry skin, make skin water embellish white tender skin care.




【Hundred birds current water tender smooth essence mask at night 百雀羚水嫩柔滑夜间精华面膜-点评、评价】


@曹冬琳:好东西啊 淡淡的清香 刚开始用 效果还不知道 不过感觉令人很清爽啊 很喜欢很喜欢很喜欢啊 夏天绿绿的很好看 包装很好很好很好啊 很好的东西 刚用的时候很嫩啊。

@海丽之心:这两年一直用的百雀羚产品,感觉很不错,保湿效果好,价格也实惠。也经常向身边朋友推荐,朋友用着也不错,这次的夜间面膜是朋友喊我帮着买的,水是我自己的,结果两件都给我拿去了。害得我又要买。有时候朋友生日我也会送一套给当做生日礼物,当然朋友都说好。前段时间一个同事推荐的一套产品花了200大洋,结果用了两天就果断弃之。一点都没有百雀羚的好用。 耐心,热情。
